Age Matters Clinic


Toronto Geriatric Assessment and Memory Clinic

A Definitive Guide to Alzheimer's disease in Women

Alzheimer Brain

Alzheimer is a serious degenerative brain disease. It impacts cognitive process, concentration, focus and decision making ability of the sufferers to such an extent that they find hardship in carrying out daily activities. A good mental health is crucial to carry out various processes successfully. However, it is vital to seek proper advice and medication to control the disease. People who suffer from this Alzheimer’s should not lose hope as medical science has advanced and the disease can be controlled to a significant extent. In this article, we will be shedding light on the various symptoms of Alzheimer and their possible treatments.

Alzheimer's disease in Women and Its Common Symptoms

The symptoms of Alzheimer's disease can be seen as finding difficulty in remembering daily things, which tend to get worse over time and interfere with their daily operations. Women who suffer from Alzheimer experience memory lapses as their earliest symptom. They find difficulty in recalling events and acquiring information. This is caused due to damage in the part of the brain called the ‘hippocampus’, which plays a chief role in regulating daily operations.

With the passage of time, you will see symptoms of the disease getting worse, and you may experience problems while concentrating, planning or follow a conversation. In the later stages of the disease, you may develop behaviors which are totally out of character. These include repeating the same question over again, calling out frequently, reacting aggressively or disturbed sleep patterns. Another rare problem, which is found in around 10% of patients, is having more than one type of dementia at the same time, which is called mixed dementia. A person suffering from mixed dementia shows off mixed symptoms to that of Alzheimer’s disease with vascular dementia.

Treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Anyone who is concerned that they may have Alzheimer's disease should immediately consult their GP as he will be in a better position to evaluate your symptoms, deficiencies, protein buildup in the body and tell you precisely what it is all about. Alzheimer's disease, if diagnosed during the early stages, can be controlled by starting therapies and medications. Generally, there is a no single test for Alzheimer's disease. It is only through an open talk with your GP, you can find a remedy for the disease. The specialist will analyze the symptoms and how they developed and what treatments are available to prevent the spreading of the disease.

Alzheimer’s is a serious brain disease which progresses slowly and the severity of the symptoms can be seen increasing over time. If you have developed the disease, or know someone who does, it is very important for you to understand the various stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Likewise, it can be categorized into no symptoms, earliest symptoms, mild dementia, moderate dementia and severe dementia. The category in which you fall will be the deciding factor in determining the scope of treatment. There are various clinics running worldwide, which have shown significant improvement in controlling the disease.