Age Matters Clinic


Toronto Geriatric Assessment and Memory Clinic

Improve Memory Function With Exercise

Routines can be great. However, they can also be linked to decreased memory function as you age. Consider this: every morning you wake up and head out to your favourite coffee shop just around the corner. You order that same cup of coffee from the same person, in the same way, without even looking up at the menu board. How stimulated is your brain? It's not. While routine can be comforting, it can also mean that you are simply going through the motions.

Dementia and Alzheimer's disease are brain diseases that typically begin later in life and get progressively worse over time. Eventually the patients will become unable to care for themselves. Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia affect millions of people worldwide. In fact, Alzheimer's disease is currently thought to impact the lives of nearly 36 million. This is why it has become so important to do whatever possible to prevent the symptoms of these brain diseases before they begin.

There are a number of ways to improve memory function and help to prevent the onset of many of these degenerative brain diseases. In order to improve memory function, be sure that you are getting adequate sleep, have social interaction, a healthy diet, are managing stress levels, and are living an overall healthy lifestyle. The best way to improve memory function is through exercise - both physical and mental. It is essential to exercise your body and your brain.

Physical exercise can help to improve memory function. In fact, studies have suggested that regular exercise can actually increase your body's ability to process and recall information. Exercise increases the amount of oxygen in the brain, which reduces the risk and many symptoms of degenerative brain diseases. If you want to improve your memory function - don't skimp on the exercise! Even if you're not a fan of working out, daily exercise could be something as simple as taking a walk. Try counting your steps as you walk to engage both your body and your mind.

Mental exercise is another way to help boost your memory function. It is crucial to your mental health that you are constantly stimulating your brain. The brain improves the more that you use it, so continue to challenge it. There are a number of mental exercises that can help you to keep your brain stimulated each day.

The easiest is to mix up the alphabet with numbers and recite them either out loud or in your head. For example: A, 2, C, 4, E, 6, and so on. A simple brain exercise like this can help to stimulate your brain and keep it working in new and different ways. If you speak a different language, mix that language in with English words to further work your brain. Avoid memorizing these sequences, as it will not help to improve memory function. The most important thing to do is to challenge your brain. This will help to improve your overall memory function and mental well being.

Don't fall into a routine - challenge yourself. Exercising your body and your brain daily can significantly improve your memory function and delay symptoms related to Alzheimer's disease and other degenerative brain diseases. It is important to incorporate exercise into your life in order to avoid falling into a dangerous routine.

Are you looking for more information about the most effective exercises to help delay the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease? Contact the Age Matters Clinic at: (647) 268-0620. We understand how to improve the life of Alzheimer's and memory loss patients.