Age Matters Clinic


Toronto Geriatric Assessment and Memory Clinic

Incredible Facts about Alzheimer's & Brain injuries

Alzheimer's disease turns out to be a fatal condition although lightly termed as a gradual debilitating disease. According to a recent research, Alzheimer has caused an increasing number of deaths especially in individuals over the age of sixty-five. With an alarming number of victims suffering from the disease, it is advisable that people understand the illness and how it should be contained.

What Is Alzheimer's?

Named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer, who first dug into information connected to the disease, was discovered in 1906. The final research explained the two hallmarks of the disease that included production and growth of some deposits in the brain that eventually suffocated the brain cells to death. These “plaques” are numerous, tiny but dense deposits that scatter throughout the brain. The deposits then become toxic to the brain cells after an accumulation to an individual level which interferes with the normal functioning of the brain cells. Brain cells' production slows down and die which renders part of the brain functionless.

Effects of Alzheimer

It should be noted that Alzheimer leads to death although it doesn't kill directly. With the gradual loss of the brain capacity and capability, it leads to victims causing accidents and spontaneous chokes. Dementia and forgetfulness caused by Alzheimer can result in victims putting themselves in dangerous situations such as getting lost. Moreover, the damage to brain tissues ultimately results in severe brain injuries.

Causes of death for Alzheimer victims

Stroke is a common occurrence connected to Alzheimer, whose symptoms are somewhat similar to those in dementia. Multiple strokes without treatment result in death. With Alzheimer, sufferers frequently fall causing brain injuries from bumps and blows to the head.

Traumatic brain injuries

Traumatic brain injury is the only established environmental risk dynamic for Alzheimer's disease. A single concussion is severe enough to result in a loss of consciousness, therefore, increasing the risk posed by Alzheimer. The brain produces large amounts of a chemical compound known as beta amyloid after a traumatic injury. This chemical compound is proven toxic to brain neurons when present in an accumulated level which is usually in the Alzheimer condition.

In Alzheimer's condition, beta amyloid slowly concentrates into thick deposits that are a central diagnostic feature of the disease. Nonetheless, the plaques do not occur following brain injury. According to medical research, the long-term brain response to brain injury automatically creates a link to Alzheimer.

How is traumatic brain injury a threat?

Some effects caused by brain injuries may turn out to be permanent the same time producing direct effects. Some victims have trouble recalling a traumatic event, partial or complete consciousness, confusion, speaking coherently becomes a hitch, development of visionary and hearing impairments. Additionally, with consequent brain injuries victims may develop Alzheimer or dementia which falls into a long term suffering.


Apparent memory loss does not mean that one has Alzheimer. There are many causes of memory loss hence if one is experiencing related symptoms, consultation with a health provider is necessary. Treatments for Alzheimer do not cure the disease but slow down the worsening of the symptoms while improving the quality of life.