Age Matters Clinic


Toronto Geriatric Assessment and Memory Clinic

Aging Related Memory Loss: Do You Need Help?

Human Memory Loss

Your body changes as you age. Not just externally, though. The way your body functions on a daily basis also changes. Over time, you may notice that you have difficulty hearing or seeing clearly. Your motor skills may not be quite as precise. Or you may find that your memory isn't what it used to be. All of these issues are normal results of aging. Even when your memory loss is age related, that doesn't mean you won't need outside assistance. It is important to understand when you should seek professional help for your age related memory loss.

Have you noticed that you've been a little more forgetful lately? Maybe you forgot that it was garbage day or you missed that hair appointment...again. These little memory lapses tend to become more and more common as you age. This is particularly true after you reach the age of 65. Don't worry too much though! Forgetting a few things here or there doesn't necessarily mean that you have a brain disease, like Alzheimer's. Chances are, these forgetful moments are the result of changes occurring naturally in your brain as you get older. Certain parts of your brain - the ones linked to memory function - can deteriorate as you age. This is why memory lapses tend to become more frequent.

While these memory lapses are often aging related, that doesn't mean you won't need to seek the opinion of a professional. The real question isn't if you should, but when. Start by thinking about your memory loss. Does it occur once in a while? Are they small lapses, like absentmindedness or mixing up words now and then? If this is the case, you likely won't need to seek out help just yet. It is important, however, that you are aware and mindful of any changes in your memory.

If memory lapses or absentmindedness starts to occur more frequently, take note. Do you notice that you are forgetting things more often? Do you commonly forget what you are doing or where you are going? Have you forgotten the meanings of words or the names of certain places you have been? These problems may be an indication that you should speak to a doctor.

A good general rule of thumb to live by? Anytime memory loss begins to interrupt your day-to-day life, seek help. If you begin to feel that your memory is getting worse, or if it becomes far more difficult to live your life fully and completely, it is important to speak to someone. A doctor or trained professional can show you ways to deal with and work around your aging related memory loss - and can ensure that there isn't something more serious going on.

Now that you know when you should reach out to others, ask yourself: Do you need help for your aging related memory loss? If you do, contact the Age Matters Clinic today. Our experienced staff can help answer any of your questions related to aging and memory loss. Don't be afraid to get the assistance that you need.

Are you looking for more information about aging related memory loss? Contact the Age Matters Clinic at: 647-268-0620. We understand how to improve the life of Alzheimer's and memory loss patients.