Age Matters Clinic


Toronto Geriatric Assessment and Memory Clinic

Preventing Memory Loss

Human Memory Loss

Are you worried about memory loss? It may be a good idea to start thinking about preventative measures. Memory function can decline at any age, but it occurs most commonly in later life. This can be the result of aging or of dementia related diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. If you are concerned about memory related issues, there are a number of studies that indicate lifestyle changes that may improve and strengthen your overall mental health.

Let's start by addressing the elephant in the room: Is it actually possible to prevent memory loss? Well, nothing is for certain, but many studies have shown that certain diets, exercises and life changes can dramatically improve memory as you age and may even help to prevent or slow down certain degenerative brain diseases. There are a number of different ways that memory loss may be prevented.

Diet is one of the biggest ways that you can help to prevent memory loss. Whatever age you are, a good diet is essential. There have been numerous studies that have explored how certain foods impact memory. One of the more recent studies looked at the link between a Mediterranean diet and preventing Alzheimer's disease. This specific type of diet relies mostly on fish, whole grains, nuts, fresh fruit and vegetables, and olive oil. Since fish is thought to boost memory function, this diet isn't just good for your body, it is also good for your brain. It is important to focus on eating well to improve your overall health and prevent potential memory loss in the future.

The best way to boost your memory is to exercise your brain as much as possible. Rather than living by routine, make simple changes in your life. This can challenge your brain in new and exiting ways. For example, try picking up a new hobby or visiting somewhere you have never been before. Exercising your brain requires more than just trying new things - it involves learning new things as well. Consider reading the newspaper each morning or picking up a book you may not normally choose to. This forces your brain to work in different ways. You may also want to mentally stimulate your brain with crossword puzzles or strategy games. All of these methods of exercising your brain can help to prevent memory loss or slow down the effects of various brain diseases.

A positive lifestyle can dramatically affect the way that your brain behaves. Researchers have found a clear link between depression and memory loss. In addition, studies have shown that simply reducing your stress level can delay or slow down the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. So, how can you avoid depression and stress in your life? Make sure that you get enough sleep each night and try to have an active social life. Both of these can improve your quality of living and make you happier and healthier. Also, don't underestimate the importance of physical activity! Being active at any age is important to overall health. It can improve your attitude, well being, and can also help to improve your memory. Living a positive, healthy lifestyle can help prevent memory related issues as you age.

Don't just worry about memory loss, do something about it. By incorporating a healthy diet, mental and physical exercise, and improving your lifestyle, you may be able to prevent memory loss or delay the effects of serious degenerative brain diseases, like Alzheimer's disease.

Do you need more information on preventing memory loss? Contact the Age Matters Clinic at: 647-268-0620. We understand how to improve the life of Alzheimer's and memory loss patients.